Life Groups

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Church. What do you think of when you hear that word? A building? A certain special day? A program at a certain time?

The Bible is very clear: “church” is a gathering of believers coming together to bring glory to God. That’s how church started at least—in the homes of
Christians, who would spend time together during the week, sharing moments that uplifted each other. This means we can be “church” at any time of the day, any day of the week, if we gather together in Jesus’ name.

At Wantirna, we want to expand on what the early church set in place. Church is more than just a few hours a week on a Sabbath, and we are especially; aware that post-COVID there is a longing for connection—outside of home and work—where we can recharge with fellow believers.

Our aim with Life Groups is to facilitate moments during the week where you can have the opportunity to be a part of this church family, with an interest and a time that suits you. Some groups are specifically spiritual, others are groups of leisure, but they all make up what we call “church.”

It is our prayer that as you connect with a Life Group, you would feel welcome as part our Wantirna church family.


Sign up form at the bottom of this page.

Wantirna Life Groups
Friendship Group
LEADER: Marlene McMahon & Julie Millett
WHERE: Church Long Room
WHEN: Thursdays, 10am
CONTACT: [email protected]
A wonderful morning tea, lively program, and catered lunch to
follow. *Does not run during school holidays
Netz Paint n Sip
LEADER: Janette Doyle
WHERE: Church
WHEN: Mondays, 6:30pm (Fortnightly)
CONTACT: [email protected]

Learn all there is to know about acrylic
painting, then with easy to follow step by step
instructions, Janette will teach you how to
paint with simple drawing techniques to bring your paintings to life.

4W Group
LEADER: Phil Fehlberg
WHERE: 4WD tracks
WHEN: Weekends available
CONTACT: [email protected]

Do you just want to get out and hit offroad with a few 4WD’s? This is your group!

Womens Group
Leader: Pam Stott.
Where: Croydon
When: On Demand

Lunches, afternoon teas, visiting Melbourne, and movies trips! A diverse group with fun, food, and laughter for ladies of all ages!

Purveyors of Pong
Learder: Jeff Dever
Where: Church Hall
When: Tuesdays, 7pm
Contact: [email protected]

Ping Pong promotes peace and table tennis tames tension. It happens on Tuesday nights in the Church Hall.

Book Club
Leader: Dan Brunt
Where: Church
When: Monthly
Contact: [email protected]

Love to read? Join us as we read a book a month, then meet together as we discuss, share, and fellowship.

Seeker’s Group
Leader: Tim Wilson.
Where: Church Meeting Room
When: Wednesdays, 7:30pm
Contact: [email protected]

For anyone seeking to gain a closer relationship with God. A few Bible verses are selected to privately meditate on, discuss if comfortable, journal, and then pray upon.

Young Adults
Leaders: Kyan & Rhea Michalik
Where: Narre Warren
When: Wednesday evenings, weekly.
Contact: [email protected]

Games, food, and fellowship with young adults.

Wantirna SDA Choir
Leader: Billy Neyra.
Where: Church Long Room
When: Sabbath afternoon, fortnightly
Contact: [email protected]

A group to praise God & share the Gospel through music ministry, to touch the hearts of every person, Christian or not!

Teen Group
Leader: Daniel Matteo
Where: Church
When: Friday evenings, weekly
Contact: [email protected]

Games, God, food and friends.

Cell Group
Leader: Marlene Mcmahon
Where: Nunawading
When: Every second Tuesday, 7pm
Contact: [email protected]
Piano Club
Leader: Margaraet Dines
Where: Church Sanctuary
When: TBA
Contact: [email protected]

If you are an adult who would like to learn to play piano with me, let me know!

    Sign up for Wantirna Lifegroups

    Your request will be sent to the pastoral team