Continuing our sermon series “Cost of Discipleship” Pastor Dan demonstrates how we should “Forsake All”.

Continuing our sermon series “Cost of Discipleship” Pastor Dan demonstrates how we should “Forsake All”.
Continuing our sermon series “Cost of Discipleship” Pastor Josh delves into the Bible to show how we should “Consider The...
Chris Waghorn tells us about the work of the “Bible League”.
Continuing our new sermon series “Cost of Discipleship” Pastor Josh uses examples from the Bible and his own life experience...
Starting off our new sermon series “Cost of Discipleship”, Pastor Dan demonstrates how to be serious about discipleship you need...
In line with the baptism of Matt in today’s service Pastor Terry Johnson shows how we should all be “Aligning...
For our World Pathfinder Day service Rod Stephens uses examples from the bible to show how our current world needs...
For our Fathers Day service Pastor Josh tells us about “Heavenly Fathers”.
Pastor Wendy looks in Daniel to show why it’s important to “Make Room For God”.
Pastor Dan rounds out our sermon series by looking at “The Pillars Of God: Faithfulness”.
Jamie looks in history and the Bible for some very significant “Famous Last Words”.
Pastor Dan continues our sermon series by looking at “The Pillars Of God: Loyal Love”.
Pastor Wendy continues our sermon series by looking through the Book of Exodus to examine “The Pillars Of God: Slow...
Pastor Josh begins a new sermon series by looking through the Book of Deuteronomy to examine “The Pillars Of God:...
Visiting violinist Hayden Wiseman speaks of how by knowing Jesus and staying with Him we can experience “God’s Peace”.
Pastor Dan explains how maintaining faith in God even when you don’t hear from Him leads to “The Promise Of...
Pastor Wendy rounds out the the Five Love Languages with “Words Of Affirmation”.
Pastor Dan speaks of the gifts given by God to each of us and the importance of passing on to...
Pastor Josh demonstrates through the acts of Jesus when establishing trust, value and faith, the importance of “Touch”.
Pastor Dan Shows how Jesus demonstrated the importance of “Acts Of Service”.
Pastor Wendy looks at how important it is to make room in your life for”Quality Time”.
Pastor Glenn Townend looks in the Book of Acts to show what is meant by “Oikos: The Power of Relationships...
Pastor Sylvia Mendez returns to Wantirna for our Mother’s Day program to speak of hospitality in the Bible using Lydia...
Pastor Josh reveals three important aspects for living how God intends – with the example of the small groups encouraged...
Visiting Pastor Nicu Dumbrava shows how in life – and for the disciple Andrew in the Bible – the necessity...
Pastor Wendy investigates the importance of small prayer groups in “Acts – The Pentecost”.
Pastor Dan highlights the importance of small prayer groups in history and the Bible as he speaks of “Acts –...
Pastor Wendy looks in the Book of Acts to find “Acts Of The Holy Spirit”.
Visiting Pastor Uili (pronounced Willie) Mauga, our Conference Family and Children’s Ministry Director, follows the theme of today’s Children’s Church...
For this special communion service Pastor Dan looks at what is actually meant by the word “Communion”.